Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu Maharaj Special Batch with 12 Semi Gemstones
As we know, Minyak Pengasih Buluh Perindu is mainly believed for Hardcore Attraction, Strong Charming Ability, Opposite Sex Attraction, Wealth Attraction, Popularity, Salvaging Relationship & many more.
This oil consist of 7 Pairs of Bulu Perindu combined together with many other rare and powerful ingredients. When incorporated together with an Enchanted Oil, Its dormant inherent power helps awaken and bestow its energies towards you in the most powerful way when applied onto key points of the face. This oil is 100% Natural.
This special batch has extra ingredients added (12 semi gemstones) along with other rare and powerful items such as Akar Cenuai, Golden Flower of Love. Bulu Perindu Dayak, Bamboo Perindu, Raja Kijang, and many more that cant be named.
Apart from Attraction, this oil is made in a way that it corresponds to the 9 Planets and the magic of Navagraha (9 celestial bodies) with additional stones that is strongly believed to Attract Wealth, Opportunities and bring good health to its user.
Holy powder from 7 Mukhi Rudraksha Seed is also added into the bottle as it is believed to symbolize the Hindu Goddess of Wealth (Maha Lakshmi) and corresponds to the planet Saturn, which is typically in charge of a person's luck, particularly wealth. This is known to help the wearer be blessed with Wealth, Prosperity & Harmony in all aspects of life financially, materially, and spiritually.
It is believed that applying this oil on a daily basis could not only greatly boost the user's Charm, Charisma & Attractiveness but at the same time boost the wearer's overall Luck, Positive vibrations and ward off bad luck, evil influences, black magic as well.
This oil is highly recommended especially for those who are in the sales line.
All the powerful ingredients combined to create this oil is widely known to fetch miracles.
This oil is also believed to help with attracting the desired person remotely/telepathically over long distances using photographs. This method is known as "pelet jarak jauh".
Overall, this oil is strongly believed to bestow the user with the following properties and virtues,
• Amazingly powerful enchanting presence. • Strong Attraction towards the Opposite Sex • Increase your Charm, Magnetism & Attractiveness • Create a lasting unforgettable experience in the minds of those who you interact with and make your targeted person miss your presence. • Improves Relationship / Marriage , dissolve disharmoy, strengthen bond, promotes higher love chemistry and make your partner more faithful towards you. • Possess a high level of charming aura and popularity among others. • Remote Attraction through chanting mantra • Able to be well liked and admired by everyone easily • Gain a high level of popularity & fame • Easily gain favors and sympathy from others • Loving Kindness & Sweet Talking • Able to influence others through sympathy and making their heart soft towards you • Make others listen to you and do as you say • Winning in any Negotiations • Able to attract customers/clients and easily close deals • Possess a strong sense of self-confident and high in self-esteem • Be Able to achieve higher social standing and recognition Many more.
---------------------------------------------------- - All our Minyak Pengasih are 100% Authentic, from the ingredients used to the way it is made and empowered, many by now would know. The authenticity and power of the Minyak Pengasih greatly depend on who makes it. There are no questions about the effectiveness of our Attraction Oils as can be seen from all our testimonials, as it is done by a REAL Dukun who is adept in Islamic/Javanese Occult.
*A Fake Minyak Pengasih is one that is made by someone who has no spiritual knowledge/charlatan/imaginary master who simply adds ingredients into an oil bottle and claims it to be Minyak Pengasih. Beware of such products.
- Our oils are made using 100% Natural Ingredients. Some are rare and known to be extremely potent. It does not need to contain any "yin" materials. Hidden elemental energies within the Bulu Perindu together with other ingredients and through proper empowerment by our master gives the oil its power.
- Beware of Copycats Attempts. There may be many "Bulu Perindu Oils" in the market but ours are made unique by our own dukun and only for us only.
This oil is known to benefit in Love, Career, Business, and Social Life as well.
The proper method of usage will be taught upon purchase. Will personally deliver to you.