This Talismanic Amulet contains a Takrut inside, which contains 7 very powerful holy objects and Mustika Pearls. They are
1) King Centipede Pearl : Known for Wealth, Gambling, Money Attraction 2) Akar Cenuai King of Root : Known for Immense Aura and Charm 3) Bulu Perindu Love Root of Longing : Known for Supreme Attraction & Magnetism 4) Holy Sand from Mt Sinai aka Moses Mountain : Known for mesmerising charm and persuading 5) Bee Pearl : Known for Loving Kindness and Ability to gain favours 6) Solid Apel Jin : Known for Spiritual Empowerment, Devalopment and Protection 7) 7 Type of Wood Shavings : Known for Energy and Aura
Each individual objects confers a specific kind of blessings and magical properties. Hence, making this a very powerful ALL-ROUNDER amulet that one could wear.
This special oil, along with the Rajah Taweez are highly energised with the highest level of Islamic Al-Hikma Spiritual practices. However, it is suitable for anyone of all race or religion as long as one keeps this with respect, and wear with faith.
The special oil inside this takrut has various enchantment spells, such as money spell, good luck spell, attraction spell, manifestation spell, business attraction spell, protection spell and many more. Those spells are the inscription written on it.
The Oil alone is infused with 107 different Surah or holy verses, hence the name 107 Blessing Amulet
- This takrut bestows great wealth and fortune to the wearer, bringing good luck and abundance from all direction. According to LP Noi, those who wears this takrut will a pure heart will never be poor or lack anything in life and will always be successful.
Being al All-Rounder Intention and Manifestation Amulet, this has several uses and possesses multiple spiritual benefits that its believed to bestow its owners with attraction, charm, protection, authority and etc, all in faces of one's living life.
- This takrut can also bring great success in business, improve sales / selling power, bringing success in any type of business venture, trade or investments.
- Attracts unexpected windfall, bring riches and prosperity. This takrut has been proven from many people who struck windfall after getting this takrut (countless of articles can be found online regarding this)
This Amulet is also known to be very effective in fulfilling wishes, materializing one’s intentions as well as warding off evil and bad energies. simply wear it daily (we will teach the proper method of applying). it can be used during meditation, prayers or when visiting holy places to ensure that your intentions and wishes are well received above.
In terms of Money, This Amulet is believed to bring luck with gambling, general wealth, attracting business and good opportunities as well as to strongly boost your lucky aura when used to attract happiness and abundance as it draws good opportunities to you like magnet.
In terms of Attraction, this Amulet is said to be very powerful for attracting people, improving interpersonal relationships and even for love, daring and courtship.
- This takrut brings about great compassion and loving kindness for the wearer. The term "Metta" refers to the immense charm the wearer of this takrut will possess to be well liked by everyone. - Metta Maha Niyom helps the wearer will gain popularity, good repo from superiors at work, gain better recognition and be liked by everyone.
- It can also help to subdue a person who is full of anger, turn enemy into friends and avoid back-stabbers or "xiao ren"
Properties & Benefits
STRONG SPECULATIVE LUCK, Gambling & Windfall Attracts SIDE WEALTH and unexpected windfall Wealth Attraction, Business & Career Instincts / Strong Intuition Enhance Positive Aura & Improve Appearance Improves Relationship. Promotes loving kindness Be able to gain sympathy from others Attracts good opportunities & benefactors Improves Mental clarity, sharp mind and alertness. Helps with high risk investments Strong Protection against danger, spirits and jinns. Greatly boost your LUCK Attracts wealth and fortune Attracts side wealth and unexpected windfall Brings good business and fame Success with any risk taking investment Be able to make right decisions Promotes mental clarity and sharp mind Enhance your body energy Dispel negative energies and evil eyes Protect from black magic and evil spirits
Some of the ingredients used for this oil are
1) Lucky Hand Root - for luck and success in all endeavours. This rare herb has a reputation within magical tradition to bring immense luck to the user and can be used for gambling as well as closing business deals
2) strawberry leafs oil - attracts good fortune and favourable circumstances
3) Master Root oil - Shamans call this Master Root or Raja Akar Asli because it masters everything and it’s Super rare. This gives the wearer protective power against bad energies, evil influences and even evil eyes or bad luck caused by jealousy / envy. It can also draw the power of luck and promote success In everything you do
4) Magnetic Sand - draws positive influence like love, money as well as good people and strong interpersonal relationship.
5) Green Aventurine Oil - also known as Herb of Opportunity which can naturally (scientifically) reduce stress, anxiety, reinforce decisiveness and confidence. This herb is known to be the luckiest herb in spiritual practice especially in manifesting success in any game of chance. It’s winning energy makes it very strong for negotiations and even courtship/dating.
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