💕🌹Relationship Love Reconciliation Tantra believed to Salvage Relationship/ Marriage & Love Binding 💕 🌹
For the first time, after years of providing this service privately to our clients who specifically request for it and are willing to go through great length to salvage their broken relationships..
We have finally decided to offer this service to those who wants to go to the extreme, without getting scammed (read on to find out why)
This is a Love Reconciliation / Binding Ritual that is done by 3 Top Masters in Thailand. These masters are very senior and have been around for more than 10 years who are well known and renowned within the Amulet Community.
The 3 Masters & Their Rituals are,
1 - Ajarn James Bloodworm Ancient Lana Love Ritual 2 - Ajarn Suea Love Ritual Done using Serm Duang at Cemetery 3 - Aj Por Na 7 Consecutive Night Ritual.
Note : For AJ Por Na's 7 Night Ritual, Plenty of Videos & Photos will be sent after each night for 7 consecutive nights and there will be an indication for it. We have received feedback from customers who did ritual from sellers claiming to perform 7 night for $100-200 to mislead their customers as they receive generic images / videos with no indication, this is due to the master only sending 7-10 pics for one night but the seller split them and send to the customer. Sadly this is very common.
Also to note, those 3 masters stated above are very senior and well known / recognized. We have received feedbacks from customers who did rituals from unknown masters or charlatans who are totally unknown for $200-$300 with no effects. It is important to know who you are engaging.
Why 3 different masters to do ritual? This is catered for clients who wants to take it to the extreme. If they can afford it, then why not?
Why spend the same amount (or maybe more) on one online master when you can have 3 of the top masters from Chiang Mai to do it for you.
There are many “masters” and internet spell casters from google who charges thousands to perform such rituals, but you do not know who they are in real life. Worst case, take your money do nothing.
This is suitable for those who are..
- having problems with your marriage or love life?
- having frequent quarrels or disagreements frequently with the one you love?
- just go through a break up with no chance of reconcile
- having trouble connecting with that special someone you’ve always loved
- Would you like your partner to remain loyal and faithful to you , Would you like to salvage your relationship, Is there a third party involvement in your relationship.
If you are searching for this type of service, chances are you already know what it’s for.
Why $2500
Firstly, there are many elaborate offerings that have to be used for the ritual. The ritual usually lasts the whole night and are usually performed at cemeteries. Such rituals would normally last the whole night and Some master like Aj Por Na does it daily for 5-7 days in a row with new offerings to be prepared. Remember, there are 3 masters doing the ritual. The price justifies the time, effort and energy of the master along with their helper (who takes photo and video)
Refer to our pictures for how the offerings look like.
Secondly and most importantly, over the years, we have come across countless of people who are desperate to salvage their broken relationships, they often ended up coming across several people who provide this service (most are unknown) and pay few hundred here, few hundred there only to achieve nothing (not even proof of the ritual being conducted) as many may not charge one Lum sum, but will keep asking you for fees many times and everything will add up to a few thousands.
Some masters would even charge $3000-$4000, will not send you any proof of the ritual being done but instead ask you to perform near impossible task such as reciting long mantras 108 times for 108 nights and most of the time when it doesn’t work, the master will push the blame on you for not doing properly.
For this, everything will be done for you. You don’t have to do anything except to be patient and do your part.
Of course, there are no 100% guarantee (whoever can guarantee, please stay away). The amount you pay is for the offerings, time and effort of the masters. But when you get a real reputable master, you are also paying for its efficacy compared to some unknown tarot spell caster on google.
Tantric Pelet reconciliation Tantra is believed to strongly secure your failing relationship.
The 🌟Love Binding Tantra ❤️provided is believed to possibly enchant the heart of the one you love for a long lasting and happy relationship. This Tantra is also believed to be able to call back an ex lover.
- This Reconciliation Tantra is known to strong bind your failing relationship
- One of the main speciality is believed to help estranged couples and broken relationships.
- This Tantra is believed to call back a love one
NOTE - No “Repeat Payment” or “Additional Payment” later on like others.
- Full photo + video proof.
- Wont ask you to chant long tedious mantras for 108 times for 108 days like others knowing its impossible. You dont have to do anything at all.
- Any additional help needed, we will help.
Based on experience, it is very important to recognize who you are engaging to perform such services as there are many who do not do it and will keep asking for more and more.
This is for those who are truly serious and genuine.
How fast / How Long varies according to the individual depending on their character, mental and spiritual strength. Success is encouraged if one is sincere and truly genuine with his or her intentions.
Price is set based on the time and effort required to work on it. No additional no matter what.
This is only for those who wants the best of the best and is willing to pay for it.
For full disclosure, we do not make any profit other then coffee money as we will be the middleman. You can even fly to Thailand and visit those masters yourself but due to current situation that’s not an option, so our job is to make this process extremely convenient for you.
We also have contacts with many other top masters in Chiang Mai and Bangkok. We can also arrange as many masters to do as you want as long you are willing ;)
If you decide to engage this service, we will give you one free of our Master Batch Minyak Pengasih Bulu Perindu (Love Oil) for you to use while the ritual is going on too.